You may want to use Mastiff Kennels to board your pet if you are going on vacation without your animal. Choosing the right place is essential not only for the good of your dog but also for your peace of mind. You need to find a place that is used to dealing with these large dogs. Go and see the premises before you book your dog into their care. You will want to see where he will be sleeping, eating, and playing. Is there sufficient space for him to move around? Do the other animals at the boarding kennels look healthy and looked after? How does the owner of the kennels respond to the animals? If the premises are dirty or neglected should choose somewhere else. If you think the owner doesn’t appear interested in the welfare of the canine guests trust your instincts and find an alternative.
You may also want to buy a dog kennel for use in your home. These can be very handy if your dog does not socialize well with guests. You can put him in his kennel and release him when the guests leave. All of us like some time to ourselves and this goes for dogs too. You may find that your animal is easier to manage if he gets some time to himself to relax and enjoy some peace.
Always buy a kennel large enough to accommodate him but without being so big that he becomes uncomfortable when using it. You may have decided that your Mastiff is going to live outdoors. If that is the case make sure his accommodation is weather appropriate. You do not want him overheating in summer or freezing in winter. Always prohibit your kids from playing in the dog’s kennel. This is his space and not somewhere he should have to share. Give him and comfortable bed and plenty of toys to keep him amused during the day.
You should make your decision about where the dog will live before you buy the animal. Changing him from one location to another will cause him distress which in turn can lead to behavioral problems. Remember that the Mastiff is a large animal that is inclined to drool. If you are very house proud you may want to rethink sharing your home with such a big dog. Any animal is going to cause a smell and mess in your home no matter how often you clean up. Be sure you know what you are dealing with before you fall in love with a Mastiff puppy. You cannot blame the animal for acting like a dog.
If you are going to allow your Mastiff to live indoors you won’t need a kennel but you may want to consider a crate. Treat this space as his and do not allow anyone else to use it. Don’t expect your pet to share his crate with a visitor’s dog – that is only asking for trouble. Don’t be tempted to use the crate as a punishment either. Treat an animal with respect, love, and affection and you should receive the same in return.
Mastiff Kennels are available in various sizes, types, and materials so you should have no problem finding something suitable. Alternatively, if you are any good at DIY, there are some great plans for dog kennels available online so you can build your own Mastiff kennel.