When you bring home a little kitten, you immediately get attached to the little fur ball. You feed him, bathe him, and make a bed for him. Such close association with your pet makes you worried about their health and well-being. With time, they become a part of the family and are treated as children.
There are some places where only humans are allowed, and the association with your pet falls into jeopardy. There are times when your friends or colleagues visit you or a relative from a distant place, comes to stay with you and says that they are allergic to fur. Trust me, such allergies do exist. The stress of being separated from your pet can be high. To cool off such situations, it is better to find a second home for them. These are known as “cat kennels”.
Although it is quite normal to think that no one can take better care of your animal than yourself, there are people like you who love animals and have dozens of pets. After all, you cannot tell your boss that you are unable to travel, because there is none to take care of your cat. If it’s a matter of a day or two, your cat will be able to manage on his own. But if you are away for a longer time, your animal and house, both will suffer the consequences.
It is better to resort to a cat kennel in such cases. Here are some useful tips before you put your cat in a kennel:
- Your very first step should be to find out the best cat kennels near your house. Talk to the keepers about the facilities provided at the kennel. Talk to them about your cat’s behavioral aspects and habits. You should confirm whether they provide clean pet food and water to the pets there or not.
- Check for the prerequisites they need before you keep your cat at their shelter. Most kennels ask for pre-vaccinated animals, they may ask for the medical records of your cat. Keep them ready with you.
- Talk to the keepers about your pet’s food preferences and timings. Ask for their suggestions if your pet has some difficult habits. Most kennels provide vet services and have on-duty veterinary doctors. Check with your kennel if they have such a facility.
- Also, confirm the regular cleaning and bathing of pets, what products they use to clean fur, is your cat allergic to them. It is good to check on things beforehand, and if necessary provide the keeper with the products which are safe for your animal.
- Visit the kennels before choosing the first you see, look for other pets, and tell the keeper if there seem to be problematic and intimidating for your cat. It depends on your animal’s behavior whether they are social or like to stay aloof, discuss it with the kennel owners.
- Finally, check with the kennel whether they have a pick-up and drop-off facility, which may come in handy when you have exceeded the limit of days. Also, it is advisable to take your cat back to its known environment as soon as possible, as animals tend to feel lonely and depressed while they are away from their home and owners.